Research hypotheses

The research hypotheses and technological developments are related to:

  • sensori-motor theory of perception [O’R 01],
  • multimodal theory of perception [Spe 12],
  • « blindness gain » theory [Cho 19, Tho 18].

Central to this work is the building of a new guide and the evaluation and understanding of user experience. On the one hand, the IMG provides an essential tool for enriching access to 2D artworks for blind and partially blind people within museums and cultural heritage locations. On the other hand, it provides a multisensory experience that enrich and deepen experience of 2D artworks in both, blind, partially blind and non-blind people.

The IMG seeks to provide functional equivalence (and not sensory equivalence), based on the principle that enriched mental representations of artworks will emerge through concurrent sensory actions, motor actions, and verbal description. Thus, as an inclusive tool, the ad hoc technology may contribute to the emergence of new aesthetic impressions which can be shared with others, irrespective of visual experience.

Working with blind and partially blind researchers and end-users will allow us to better understand the mental process that leads to the emergence of aesthetic impressions of artworks in blind, partially blind and non-blind people.

The IMG project considers sensory stimulations such as visual, audio and tactile, the motor actions such as haptic combined with cognitive understanding extracted from speech (audio description).

The sensorimotor theory of perception will provide a framework for how these new ways of experiencing art can be reinforced (assisted) by our perceptions and associated actions. In addition, within the concept of « blindness gain ». This project will result the creation of novel ways of experiencing 2D art works, for blind, partially blind and non-blind users, in such way that rethink traditionally « sighted » ways of accessing art. It does so by combining the art of description (specifically describing visual arts in non-visual ways) as a tool to enhance access for all [Ear 17] with haptic and auditory experience (with or without vision).

Moreover, the results of our preliminary experimental evaluations with end-users (lead users, blind and partially blind) of tactile representations of basic 2D data displayed on existing touch stimulation devices [Riv 19, Rom 18, Gay 18, Cho 18] have confirmed, that:

  • It is possible to create a mental representation of the spatial layout of artworks, derived from audio and tactile representations.
  • a specific multimodal Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based system is necessary to efficiently assist blind and partially blind people both in mobility and in the perception of art works
  • such a system has additional benefits, in terms of new aesthetic experiences, for all users.

  • [O’R 01] O’Regan J.K., Noë A., « What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of visual experience », Synthèse, 2001, 129, 79-103
  • [Spe 12] Spence, Ch. Driver,J., « Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention », Oxford Scholarship Online: March 2012
  • [Tho 18] Thompson, H., “Audio description : turning access to film into Cinema Art”, in Thompson, H., Warne, V. (dir.), « Blindness Arts », Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 38, n°3, 2018; DOI:

Project Organisation

The IMG project and its tangible outcome, the IMG device (cf. figure 2 and figure 3), aims to prototype a new multimodal digital programmable, interactive portable museum guiding tool, suitable for to any level of sight (totally blind to fully sighted). This tool will build, from images acquired with ad hoc vision system, the multimodal representation of the imaged objects/scenes (audio-tactile map, audio-tactile representation of an artwork, and 3D reconstructed objects - mockups).

Figure 2

Organisation of work packages starting with theoretical framework, data collection, data processing and evaluation, for the access to artworks.

Figure 3

Flowchart for the access to the museum space showing simplified maps, navigation graphs and tactile maps.

The IMG system is made up of cooperating hardware and software. Its hardware elements are the following : a screen (where an image is displayed); a mechatronic case adaptable to the size of any screen and named F2T (force feedback tablet), a vision system and (bone-conduction) headphones (optional). One (or more) mobile joystick(s) and a set of keys on the F2T will allow museum visitors to interact with the screen (creating visual-tactile-haptic images).

Several basic applications (software) will be developed to allow the creation and addition of tactile maps (indoor and outdoor), to provide locating and tracking tools and to create haptic and interactive artwork representation combined with audio-description.

It will be possible to understand through touch (without seeing), such multimodal representations thank to image processing and computer vision techniques. Specific image segmentation algorithms will be designed in order to simplify images of the artworks, extract the most salient features, identified in collaboration with museum curators and VIP users, and transpose them onto the F2T.

A feeling of the artwork’s depth and texture will be provided to the VIPs by creating high-resolution 3D-printed mock-ups. Such 3D-models will be automatically created by combining point clouds estimated using LIDAR-like systems with high-precision surface orientation estimates obtained by turning an existing Reflectance Transform Imaging (RTI) system into a photometric stereo-based 3D reconstruction platform. Finally, a basic programming library will be built for open-source applications design using high level programming languages.



  • [1] Gay, S., Pissaloux, E., Romeo, K., Truong, N-T. (2021) F2T: A Novel Force-Fedback Haptic Architecture Delivering 2D Data to Visually Impaired People. IEEE Access 2021, 9, 94901-94911 DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3091441
  • [2] Romeo, K., Pissaloux, E., Gay, S.L., Truong, N.-T., Djoussouf, L. The MAPS: Toward a Novel Mobility Assistance System for Visually Impaired People. Sensors 2022, 22, 3316.
  • [3] Romeo, K., Chottin, M., Thompson, H. Towards an inclusive approach to discovering artworks. Modelling, measurement and control C, 2022 83 (1-4), pp.14-20. hal-03910184v1
  • [4] Robin Bruneau, Baptiste Brument, Lilian Calvet, Matthew Cassidy, Jean Mélou, Yvain Quéau, Jean-Denis Dourou, François Lauze. Multi-view stereo of an object immersed in a refractive medium. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2024, 33 (03), 10.1117/1.JEI.33.3.033005. hal-04567615


  • Hannah Thompson et Marion Chottin, « Blindness Gain as World-Making: Creative Audiodescription as a new "partage du sensible" », L’Esprit créateur, The International Quaterly of French and Francophone Studies, 61/4, 2021, p. 32-44.
  • M. Chottin, « Le Handicap », dans Un Monde commun. Les savoirs des sciences humaines et sociales, Éditions, 2023, p. 270-273
  • Emma Bourges, "VOUS VERREZ PAR VOS OREILLES :L’audiodescription proposée aux personnes malvoyantes et non voyantes dans les musées de France n’est-elle qu’une pollution sonore ?", Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 13/1, 2024, p. 120-145
  • Marion Chottin et Corinne Doria, Handicap, déficience, différence. Une introduction aux disability studies, Lyon, ENS Editions, 2025

International Conferences

  • [Pizenberg 2021] Matthieu Pizenberg , Yvain Quéau , Abderrahim Elmoataz. Low-rank registration of images captured under unknown, varying lighting. International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2021), 2021, Cabourg, France. pp.153-164, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-75549-2_13⟩ Communication dans un congrès hal-03172399v1
  • [Queau 2021] Yvain Quéau. Photometric 3D-reconstruction. International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV 2021), 2021, Tokushima (online), Japan Communication dans un congrès hal-03229589v1
  • [Dao 2022] Son-Duy Dao, Ngoc-Tan Truong, Edwige Pissaloux, Katerine Romeo, Lilia Djoussouf. Automatic Contour "Gist" Creation for Museum Painting Tactile Exploration Ed. K. Miesenberger; G. Kouroupetroglou; K. Mavrou; R. Manduchi; M. Covarrubias Rodriguez; P. Penáz. Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP-AAATE 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13341, Springer Nature; Springer International Publishing, pp.270-277, 2022.
  • [Romeo 2022] Katerine Romeo , Hannah Thompson , Marion Chottin. Inclusive Multimodal Discovery of Cultural Heritage: Listen and Touch. Ed. K. Miesenberger; G. Kouroupetroglou; K. Mavrou; R. Manduchi; M. Covarrubias Rodriguez; P. Penáz. Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP-AAATE 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13341, Springer Nature; Springer International Publishing, pp.278-285, 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-031-08647-2. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-08648-9_32⟩ Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03910170v1
  • [Pissaloux 2022] E. Pissaloux, L. Djoussouf, K. Romeo, R. Velazquez, S.L. Gay, N-T. Truong, S.D. Dao. A new approach to assist Virtual Image accessibility for Visually Impaired People 16th Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, p251-261. 2022
  • [Queau 2022] Yvain Quéau. Inverse Problems and Cultural Heritage Accessibility SIAM Conference on Imaging Sciences, Mar 2022, Berlin (online), Germany Communication dans un congrès hal-03684351v1
  • [Queau 2023] Yvain Quéau , Robin Bruneau , Jean Mélou , Jean-Denis Durou , François Lauze et al. On Photometric Stereo in the Presence of a Refractive Interface 9th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2023), May 2023, Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy. pp.691-703, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-31975-4_53⟩ Communication dans un congrès hal-04038233v1
  • [Melou 2023] Jean Mélou, Yvain Quéau, Antoine Laurent, Marjorie Redon, Jean-Denis Durou, et al.. Thin Details Meet Large-Scale 3D-Reconstruction: Photometric Stereo for Cultural Heritage. 1st international conference on artificIAl Intelligence and applied MAthematics for History and Archaeology (IAMAHA 2023), CEPAM; INRIA Côte d’Azur; I3S, Nov 2023, Nice, France. pp.Session 3 : AI-AM FOR MATERIALS OF THE PAST. ffhal-04559503f
  • [Djoussouf 2023] Djoussouf, L., Romeo, K., Chottin, M., Thompson, H., Eardley, A.F. Inclusion for Cultural Education in Museums, Audio and Touch Interaction, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, No 306, Assistive Technology: Shaping a Sustainable and inclusive world, Ed. D. Archambault, G. Kouroupetroglou, IOS Press, p471-480, AAATE 2023
  • [Gay 2024] Simon L Gay, Edwige Pissaloux, Jean-Paul Jamont. A bio-inspired model for robust navigation assistive devices. Smart Health, 2024, 33, pp.100484. 10.1016/j.smhl.2024.100484. hal-04600438
  • [Queau 2024] Yvain Quéau, Marjorie Redon, Matthieu Pizenberg, Abderrahim Elmoataz. AI-based Generation of a Multi-Modal Panorama for the Bayeux Tapestry. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Learning Approaches for Cultural Heritage and the Arts, Apr 2024, Cagliari (Sardaigne), Italy. hal-04567887
  • [Brument 2024] Baptiste Brument, Robin Bruneau, Yvain Quéau, Jean Mélou, François Lauze, et al.. RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction. IEEE / CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024), IEEE, Jun 2024, Seattle, United States. pp.5230-5239.hal-04526751v2
  • [Hamza 2024] Hamza Ennaji, Yvain Quéau, Abderrahim Elmoataz. A primal-dual algorithm for computing finsler distances and applications. Calcolo, 2024, 61 (3), pp.53. 10.1007/s10092-024-00596-y. hal-03620343
  • [Djoussouf 2024] Djoussouf, L., Charafe, N., Zizi, IM-R., Lecomte, C., Romeo, K. Hierarchical exploration of artworks through 2-DOF haptic device: a usability study. EUROHAPTICS 2024.
  • [Romeo 2024] Romeo, K., Chottin, M., Pissaloux, E. Blindness, Low Vision: New Approaches to Perception and ICT Mediation. Int. Conf. on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Jul 2024, Linz, Austria. pp. 465-472, 2024.
  • [Luo 2024] Luo, W., Djoussouf, L., Lecomte, C., Romeo, K. (2024). Detecting Areas of Interest for Blind People: Deep Learning Saliency Methods for Artworks. In: Miesenberger, K., Peňáz, P., Kobayashi, M. (eds) Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14750. Springer, Cham.
  • [Redon 2024] Redon, M., Djoussouf, L., Romeo, K., Quéau, Y., El-Moataz, A. A Comparison of Audio-Tactile Exploration Methods to Discover the Tapestry of the Apocalypse.Int. Conf. on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Jul 2024, Linz, Austria. pp.481-488, 10.1007/978-3-031-62846-7_57. hal-04638745

French National Conferences

  • [DJOU 2022] Vers des représentations multimodales de peintures pour leur accessibilité inclusive Lilia Djoussouf, Edwige Pissaloux, Ngoc-Tan Truong, Katerine Romeo, Simon Gay, Son-Duy Dao G. Thomann; Y. Morère. Handicap 2022 - Humaines et artificielles, les intelligences au service du handicap (12e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance), IFRATH, pp.87-92 2022 Chapitre d'ouvrage
  • [CHO 2022] Vers une approche inclusive de découverte des œuvres d’art. Accessibilité à la culture des personnes présentant des incapacités visuelles Marion Chottin , Katerine Romeo , Hannah Thompson. Ed. G. Thomann; Y. Morère. Handicap 2022 - Humaines et artificielles, les intelligences au service du handicap (12e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance), IFRATH, pp.121-126, 2022 Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03910180v1
  • [DJO 2023] L'accessibilité des images pour les non-voyants: application au patrimoine culturel L. Djoussouf, K. Romeo ORASIS, 19ièmes journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, May 2023, Carqueiranne, France
  • [RED 2023] Vers un accès plus inclusif à la Tapisserie de Bayeux par la génération semi-automatique d'objets 3D Marjorie Redon , Matthieu Pizenberg , Yvain Quéau , Abderrahim Elmoataz ORASIS, 19ièmes journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, May 2023, Carqueiranne, France Communication dans un congrès hal-04075676v1
  • [DJOU 2023] Vers une approche inclusive de description multimédia pour le patrimoine, Djoussouf, L., Romeo, K., Elmoataz, A. GRETSI 2023, 29ième Colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images, No.2023-1397, p1221-1224, Grenoble 2023.
  • [QUE 2024] Approches classiques et neuronales pour la reconstruction 3D photométrique. Yvain Quéau. Optique Normandie - Congrès de la SFO, 2024, Rouen, France. ⟨hal-04683635⟩
  • [LUO 2024] Détection des zones d’intérêt dans une œuvre d’art. Luo, W., Djoussouf, L., Lecomte, C., Romeo, K. IFRATH, HANDICAP 2024, Des solutions personnalisées pour des besoins spécifiques, Proc. P175-180, 5-7 Juin 2024, Paris
  • [CHO 2024] Co-création d’audio descriptions inclusives, retour sur expérience. Chottin, M., Thompson, H., Poulain, C., Serin, F., Romeo, K., Lecomte, C., Djoussouf, L. IFRATH, HANDICAP 2024, Des solutions personnalisées pour des besoins spécifiques, Proc. P156-160, 5-7 Juin 2024, Paris


  • GdR IASIS (Information, Learning, Signal, Image and ViSion) is an animation structure of CNRS Computer Sciences. 3 October 2024
    Marjorie REDON presented: "For a more inclusive access to medieval tapestries by semi-automatic generation od 3D objects", Marjorie Redon, Yvain Quéau, Abderrahim Elmoataz


  • 4th ICCV Workshop 2023Marjorie Redon, Matthieu Pizenberg, Yvain Quéau, Abderrahim Elmoataz. 3D surface Approximation of the Entire Bayeux Tapestry for Improved Pedagogical Access. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 4th ICCV Workshop on Electronic Cultural Heritage, Oct 2023, Paris, France. pp.1593-1602.


  • Workshop for Inclusive co-created Audio Description (W-ICAD)
    On-line Course created by our partners Hannah Thompson and Alison Eardley: Click here for information

  • Scientific Reports

    • BMC Scientific Reports Tug-of-War games and PDEs on graphs: simple image and high dimensional data processing Hamza Ennaji , Yvain Quéau , Abderrahim Elmoataz. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.6045. 10.1038/s41598-023-32354-5 Article dans une revue hal-03675971v2